Ingraham High School
Class of 1971
Looking for these Ingraham High School, Class of 1971 Classmates, Seattle, WA.
We don't have any valid mailing, email or phone information for these classmates. If you're in touch with them, please encourage them to contact us ( or create an account on the class website to either update their profile or let us know that they don't want to be found. We spend many hours every year looking for them. Thanks!
PS If you are on this list and don't want to be contacted, please let us know. We'll remove you and mark your status "do not contact".
Note: We will discontinue looking for these classmates after the 50th Reunion
Updated: Ocotber 8, 2022
Ken Aemmer |
Linda Glirstein |
Larry Nelson |
Matthew Thein |
Joan Alexander |
Ernestine Goss |
Neil O’Leary |
Terry Thompson Moore |
Patricia Allen |
Linda Gray |
Mary Oschner |
Thomas Veer |
Kent Anderson |
Cheri Halverson Jackson |
Page Ossman |
Ronald Washington |
John Apling |
Kim Hammar |
Cathryn Paterson |
Steve Welch |
Steve Arnold |
Don Harkelrod |
Candy Pederson |
Luci White |
Ken Aemmer |
Linda Harrell |
Craig Phillips |
Carol Wilder |
Kim Asher |
L.D. Harrison |
John Pierce |
Roger Wiley |
Don Ayelsworth |
Brownell Hebert |
Leslie Platt |
Glenn Williams |
Norm Bakken |
Rick Henning |
Denise Pole |
Gayle Willis Sivesind |
Janis Bateman Meyer |
Dag Hermansen |
Joanne Price Mallet |
Debbie Wills Camero |
Robert Berg |
Jim Hilgers |
Maria Prossect |
Vicki Wilson |
Michelle Berry Miller |
Tony Hitchman |
Daniel Rebelledo |
Alfred Wilfong |
Annette Brittain Miller |
Thomas Hodges |
John Reed |
Richard Young |
Susan Brix Miller |
Marie Hoheim |
Vicki Reeder |
Dorene Youngs Hofmann |
Jackie Brown |
Sherry Holm |
Kathy Reiss Carpenter |
Pamela Butcher |
Rick Holt |
Charlotte Reynolds Weber |
Deborah Carr |
Christie Johnson May |
Deborah Rhinehart Massie |
Fredrick Charles |
Linda Johnson Minea |
Mark Richards |
Susan Chowder |
Ronald Johnson |
Dave Richmond |
Becky Clemens Hart |
Earlene Kalk Howe |
Tom Riggs |
Melody Clemens Young |
Tom Keefer |
Victoria Roberts |
Mike Cooke |
Tamara Kelley |
Cindy Rogers |
Joan Corbett |
John Kritsis |
Grant Ross |
Lynn Cox Belmont |
Michael Komurka |
John Russell |
Steve Crosby |
Marc LaBlanc |
Randi Sacksteder Olson |
Debbie Cummings McCuiston |
Jeff Larson |
Mary Schaeffer O’Neill |
Jackie Cummings Traver |
Terry Lee |
Janet Schultz |
Mark Danielson |
Kathleen Likness Gano |
Charles Senger |
Sandra Davies |
Barbara Linehan Teel |
Josephine Sevold | |
Cliff De Shazor |
Kevin MacPherson |
Les Sherman |
Jackie Dean Brudik |
Charles Malcolmson |
Michael Smith |
Roz Deede |
William Martin |
Janet Sparks O’Meara |
Michael Drew |
Krist Martinsen |
Judy Spencer |
Patrick Drury |
Daniel Mathias |
Wendy Stahl |
Georgia Duckworth Cribb |
John (Steve) McKay |
Floyd Stern |
Marti Duffy |
Pat McKinney |
Marfield Sundt |
Lorraine Dyas Delk |
Debbie McLaughlin |
Nina Taylor Stratton |
Linda Easter |
Elizabeth McLeod Jerls |
Eileen Takeuchi Rapp |
Larry Fairfield |
Lynn Meyer Harkey |
Joanne Filarca Dapper |
Kathy Mitchell |
Jean Freeman |
Claudia Naethe Kersey |
Beata Galgoczy Hawcroft |
Sarah Neil Wood |
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